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We propel small businesses to success with cutting-edge ideas and transformative strategies.



Jane Orlando, the founder of YDLF LLC, brings a wealth of expertise and a proven track record in business strategy consulting and magazine publishing. With a career spanning over two decades, Jane has always focused on driving growth and efficiency for her clients. Her approach prioritizes strong relationships with colleagues and clients, which she believes are the cornerstone of any successful business endeavor. A focused and dedicated businesswoman, Jane’s leadership is defined by her commitment to providing customized, insightful consulting services that respond directly to the needs of the businesses she works with. Under her guidance, YDLF LLC has become a trusted partner for companies looking to thrive in the fast-paced economic landscape of today.

We are innovation integrity collaboration



YDLF LLC is dedicated to propelling businesses forward in today’s dynamic economy through specialized consulting in tax processes, entity formation, and strategic business planning. Our mission is to provide tailored solutions that ensure growth and sustainability, leveraging our founder’s extensive experience and sharp focus on efficiency. We pride ourselves on a people-first approach, recognizing each client’s unique challenges and opportunities. At YDLF LLC, we are committed to delivering actionable insights and strategies, empowering businesses to navigate the complexities of their industries with confidence and achieve lasting success.

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We've received your message and will be in touch soon. Stay tuned for exciting possibilities with YDLF, LLC!